Nolan Sedley's Development Blog

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Pre-Rendered Webpages and Jamstack: An Introduction

November 12, 2020

The use of a SPA application for website development has reigned supreme for several years now and before that MVC web applications were all the rage. No doubt, we learned a lot from these employing these solutions but they can sometimes have considerable and needless overhead when developing something simple.

Say, for example, we are building a blog web page. Do we really need a complex javascript framework with an internal routing system operating in the client’s browser? A typical blog is just a publication of static content; usually just text and some pictures. For site such as this we should be able to just serve html content with little to no client-side javascript. You might conclude that this is a good fit for server-rendered web pages but is it necessary to have a dedicated server-side framework to construct a web page on every request? Remember the cost of having a server receive the request, run your message handler, compile a web page and serve that content. A far more optimal solution would be to pre-render the html page earlier, at the time of the build, rather than compiling it repeatedly at run-time.

Enter Jamstack

Of course, we could simply write some static html files and call it good but there is sure to be a large amount of duplication and we will certainly lose out on tooling with such an approach. Our inner-developer might cringe at such a prospect. Fortunately the tooling for building pre-rendered static sites has progressed. Enter Jamstack, an architecture designed to solve this problem using the modern tools and workflows web developers have come to love. With a pre-rendered site build using Jamstack, files can be served directly from a CDN enabling the site to easily scale and cutting back on cost, complexity and risk.

Let’s decompose this stack further. Here are the primary attributes of a Jamstack site:

  1. The site is pre-rendered, meaning web pages are generated at the time of build.
  2. The site is deployed to a CDN where requests for pages simply return the pre-rendered HTML page.
  3. In the browser, the site uses Javascript as the runtime. Given the site is pre-rendered this may be a minimal amount of client-side operations.
  4. Server side operations are abstracted into reusable APIs and accessed over via JavaScript.
  5. Source files are written in some Markup language, such as Markdown, that can be compiled to HTML using a static site generator.

Getting Started

The best way to understand the stack is to work with it. There are several Jamstack-oriented frameworks that are easy to get started with:

  1. Gatsby: this blog is built using Gatsby. It is quite easy to get started with and has an excellent community surrounding it with a plethora of starter templates and plugins.
  2. Next.js: equally as great as Gatsby with a bit less boilerplate. I have preferred this framework for mixed static and server-rendered sites.
  3. Other generators

With Gatsby or Next.js you write React components from which the the static pages are rendered on build. This site is built using the Gatsby blog starter template. Think of a kind of site that you would like to create. Here are some ideas that I think are befitting a Jamstack:

  1. Blog
  2. Documentation
  3. Company information
  4. Announcements
  5. Resume
  6. Product listings

Jamstack is a modern architecture for building pre-rendered sites. So when building your next website, do not feel obligated to build a SPA application or dedicate a server for rendering runtime pages. Pre-rendered sites are quite powerful and have a degree of simplicity that will enable you to quickly produce results.

For further reading, hit up the official Jamstack website.

Hello, I am Nolan! I currently develop as a software engineering manager at Appfolio Investment Management. I am especially well-versed in .NET and JavaScript development and have been recently making strides in Ruby. Find more information about my career experience at LinkedIn and GitHub.