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Kubernetes Pod(s) Stuck in ContainerCreating

September 28, 2023

When spinning up a large number of new pods such as with a release or scaling event you may encounter pods stuck in a ContainerCreating state. To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Verify that you are targeting the correct cluster.
  2. Execute the following command to list pods and their statuses:
    kubectl get pods -n {namespace}
  3. Look for pod(s) stuck in a state such as ContainerCreating.
  4. For the stuck pod, run the following command to get more detailed information:
    kubectl describe pod {pod_name} -n {namespace}
    If the pod has been created successfully, you can also access its logs using:
    kubectl logs {pod_name} -n {namespace}

Based on the output from these commands, you will have more insights to determine your next steps.

One potential scenario causing a container to get stuck during creation is when the available IP addresses for the subnet have been exhausted. In this case, you might encounter an error message like ...failed to assign an IP address to container in the describe output. To confirm this, check the subnet’s “Available IPv4” addresses in AWS. The reasons for this are typically usually transient and include auto-scaling or you have some stale pods that are in need of pruning.

To better understand the reason for the exhausted pool check the EKS event logs. Those will help inform you about the number of pods and whether an scaling event was involved.

The number of IP addresses available in an AWS subnet is defined by the subnet’s CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation, which defines the range of IP addresses available within the subnet. The formula to calculate the number of IP addresses in a subnet is 2^(32 - prefix length). If you suspect you IP pool is too low, consider changing the CIDR.

Hello, I am Nolan! I currently develop as a software engineering manager at Appfolio Investment Management. I am especially well-versed in .NET and JavaScript development and have been recently making strides in Ruby. Find more information about my career experience at LinkedIn and GitHub.